Cover Reveal: ZOMBIE

The day is near! “White Mesa Chronicles” Book 2 launches sometime this month!

White Mesa operative Tommy Thaxton is used to dealing with the city gangs. But the New Republic is not a gang.

With a protected fence-line, plenty of food, and a welcoming atmosphere, the New Republic almost seems like a sister community to White Mesa…with a few crucial differences.

The zombies, for instance. They seem to be all over in the New Republic. And by the time Tommy finally finds out why, it might be too late…

ZOMBIE proto cover

Snazzy, huh? Doesn’t he just look like a mindless, over-worked zombie-slave?

You might notice something is missing, though: a quippy tag-line! So while I madly thrash the first five chapters of the manuscript into publishing shape, you can vote on the perfect pithy quote to place on the cover and draw readers in 😃

Maybe imitating the Haitians wasn’t the best way to reestablish Western society.

Mindless slave workers that turn into animalistic monsters? What could go wrong?

Digging ditches through asphalt on nothing but potatoes does something to you…even if you’re a buff spy.

Uncomplaining slave workers, or animalistic attack-machines? It all depends on your perspective…and the medicine.

What do you think? Vote below!

(P.S. If you haven’t read Book 1: Soldier yet, you can grab it at your favorite online retailer or join the mailing list for a free e-copy!)

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