Sometimes You Need Something New
I typed the first words of the first scene of Book 1 in the White Mesa Chronicles on April 2, 2015. That day we were moving all the stuff out of our house (into Grandpa’s basement), and I sat on the carpet in the bedroom I grew up in to get in a few words amidst all the chaos. (Why? ‘Cause that’s the carpet where I nestled on the floor in the corner and thrashed out the lion’s share of Hayes and Hayes.)
White Mesa has been a great journey, trying to look forward to what life will be like after the U.S.A.’s death throes. I (with help from my family) got to construct an entire world, and populate it with people with motivations and thought-patterns different from my own!
But it’s time to move on.
I decided this after typing 1 and 3/4 first-drafts of Book 6: Feral. That’s 53,290 words of a NaNoWriMo draft, plus 27,490 words of a fresh “blind draft”. I found myself going days or weeks without looking at the file, and whenever I did sit down to work I had to drag the words out. I figured such uninspired dreck might well give readers the same sense of lethargy that it gave me…
So, we folded it up and put it on the shelf. Books 1 through 4 are out for your reading pleasure, and Book 5 has good bones. After a breath of fresh air, and turning my mind to new projects, I’ll be able to finish the last three books with more energy…more passion…more joy.
So What “New Project” Is Next?
I’m currently story-boarding the story of a perfectionist assassin who realizes he’s been given corrupt orders.
Yes, sweet little churchy Kimia is writing about an assassin.
I am the girl who brutally poisoned one of my leads in Sons of the King, and gave a teenage boy an OD in Hayes and Hayes. But it probably won’t be as bad as all that.
This is how I’m plotting it:

Image from Pixabay
But this is probably how I’ll write it:

Image from Pixabay
I once wrote a short story about ritualistic human sacrifice. Know how my dad responded? “Cute.” Yes, “cute”!
So despite my best efforts to be “gritty” and “realistic”, I doubt my style will be much different from the up-beat, family-oriented narrative you’ve come to know and expect from Hayes and Hayes to Renegade.
What’s this New Story Actually About?
Well, check out this first draft blurb and see what you think! 😊 (Then, come back when it’s actually written and find out how different it is from what we planned!)
Eric likes his job. Why not? He’s very good at it.
Get in. Don’t be seen. Dispatch the target. Exit. No collateral damage or stray casualties.
Sure, he’s killing people; but they’re bad people. Someone has to stop them and protect the rest of society. And with his amplified abilities, his agency has a track record of always taking out the right targets – and no one else.
Until the night he follows his tactical Heads-Up into a room…and discovers his target is a seven-year-old boy.
As his faith in the system crumbles, his protests to his handler yield no answers. This is the correct target…well, somebody’s target.
Eric aborts the mission – and finds everyone he used to work with shooting at him.
He was always one of the “good guys”. What’s going on? He’s determined to keep protecting the innocent…but can he?
And will he live long enough to try?
Kimia Wood lives with her family somewhere in the American midwest, bracing for the collapse of society by knitting, baking, writing, hobby-farming, and reading as much Twitter as possible before the web goes dark.
Subscribe to the mailing list for a free copy of her post-apocalyptic novella Soldier, plus updates on her latest projects and other cool stuff whenever we think of other cool stuff.